I had no idea it worked like this!

Mosquito bites are more than just a mild summertime annoyance. They can cause itchy welts, allergic reactions, and even transmit serious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. Understanding why mosquitoes seem to prefer some people over others is crucial for effective protection. Here’s a look at the factors that make you more attractive to these pests and how you can mitigate their impact.

Body Odor and Sweat
Mosquitoes are drawn to specific compounds found in human sweat and skin bacteria. Individuals with higher concentrations of these compounds, such as lactic acid, ammonia, and certain carboxylic acids, are more likely to be bitten.

Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide, a gas produced with every breath, attracts mosquitoes. Those who exhale more CO2—such as larger individuals and pregnant women—tend to be more appealing to mosquitoes.

Body Temperature and Heat


see continuation on next page



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