I wish I knew about this earlier! Pressing it now!

The “Point of Endurance” gets its name from the profound impact it has on general vitality, immunological function, mental and physical endurance, and resilience. When dealing with a wide range of health issues, acupuncturists and acupressure practitioners often refer to this point.
Advantages to Health from Stomach Stimulation 36
1. Improving Immune System Function
The capacity to enhance the immune system is among the most famous advantages of pressing or needling ST36. The conventional wisdom is that by repeatedly stimulating this spot, one might strengthen their immune system and so reduce their vulnerability to disease. Research suggests that ST36 may boost the body’s defenses against infections by increasing white blood cell numbers, making it an important part of preventative health care.
Step Two: Improving Digestive Health
Stomach 36 is directly related to the digestive tract, as its name implies. Indigestion, gas, nausea, and constipation are some of the digestive issues that may be helped by stimulating this point, which helps balance the intestines and stomach. Those whose gastrointestinal problems are a direct result of worry or stress may find it very helpful. St. 36 aids digestion by facilitating the free passage of Qi (energy) via the spleen and stomach.
Boosting Vitality and Endurance 3.
ST36’s capacity to increase stamina, both mental and physical, is well-known. In order to increase their energy and general stamina, it is often taken by athletes and other people who engage in physically demanding activities. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) holds that this spot nourishes the Qi and blood, which are crucial for life force and energy maintenance. Individuals who suffer from persistent lethargy or a lack of drive may find that stimulating ST36 helps them fight weariness.
Preventing Hypertension 4.
St. 36 may also help control blood pressure, which is a major advantage. Some research suggests that acupuncture and acupressure performed to this point might help reduce hypertension, making it a potential natural treatment option for those with the condition. St. 36 may help improve cardiovascular health by harmonizing energy flow and increasing circulation.
Reducing Anxiety and Stress
Stomach 36 may also have a significant effect on mental health. Anxiety, stress, and emotional strain are often alleviated by applying pressure on this spot. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) view of ST36 is that it promotes mental clarity and serenity by balancing the qi in the body. Stimulating this spot on a regular basis may increase mood, ease anxiety symptoms, and boost emotional health in general.
6. Promoting Health and Longevity
The all-encompassing effects of Stomach 36 have earned it the nickname “longevity point” in traditional Chinese medicine. Not only is it utilized to treat certain ailments, but it is also a general wellness point that encourages a long and healthy life. People feel that ST36 stimulation on a regular basis helps with resilience, immunological function, digestion, and energy balance—all of which are important for living a long and healthy life.
Steps to Energize Your Stomach 36
Depending on your taste and the resources at your disposal, there are several methods to activate Stomach 36:
1. Acupuncture
One method of acupressure is to press a blunt instrument or your fingers on the ST36 point. Find the spot around four finger widths below the kneecap and one finger width outside the shinbone to get the bearings. Apply light pressure in a circular motion for two or three minutes on each leg. For optimal health, do this every day; for certain problems, including exhaustion or gastrointestinal distress, do it more often.
Second, acupuncture
The ST36 point is acupunctured with tiny needles for a more targeted and, maybe, more effective stimulation. Only a certified acupuncturist should use this method.



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