Keeping Eggs Fresh Without a Fridge: Time-Honored Tricks

In a world where refrigeration seems indispensable for preserving our food, it’s easy to forget that many of our grandparents managed just fine without it, especially when it came to keeping eggs fresh.

Simple trick’ to keep eggs as fresh as possible |

Whether due to space constraints, energy savings, or simply embracing a more traditional way of living, there are indeed time-tested methods to keep eggs intact and fresh for many months without a fridge. Let’s crack into these methods and see how they can be applied today.

The Water Glass Method

One of the most effective old-school techniques involves using a solution called water glass, or sodium silicate. By submerging eggs in a mixture of water glass and water, you can create a seal around the eggshells that prevents air and bacteria from penetrating. This method can keep eggs fresh for up to a year! Just make sure to thoroughly wash the eggs in warm water before use.

Mineral Oil Coating

A simpler approach involves lightly coating each egg in mineral oil. The oil creates a barrier that keeps oxygen out and prevents the egg from going bad. After coating, store the eggs in a cool, dry place, preferably in an egg carton with the pointed end facing down. This method can extend the life of your eggs for several months.
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